Garden Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing

Mother's day never ends. We were not able to bring Lola Auring with us, so I whipped up a Special Garden Salad for Mother's day dinner at home. 
Garden Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing
  • Leafy greens (bought from House of Cashews)
  • Salad Tomato (also from House of Cashews)
  • Cashew Chips (also from House of Cashews) 
  • Raisins
  • Slivered Keso de Bola
  • olive oil
  • honey
  • mustard
  • suka (vinegar made by our neighbor)
All the ingredients I used lies on what was in our fridge. Simply toss all the greens, and the rest of the ingredients together. In another bowl whisk olive, honey, mustard and suka, then drizzled it to the garden salad. Top it with slivered keso de bola.
